Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Objects Described by People After NDE, Found Later to Match Description and Location

A nurse at Hartford Hospital states that she worked with a patient who described an NDE in which she saw a red shoe on the roof of the hospital during her OBE, which a janitor then retrieved. Kenneth Ring describes three such cases involving shoes, shoelaces and a yellow smock and also tells a story from a Seattle social worker who also retrieved a shoe outside a window ledge that was identified by a patient during an NDE.

Ring, Kenneth, Ph.d. & Lawrence, Madeline, R.N., Ph.D. "Further evidence for veridical perception during near-death experiences", Journal of Near-Death Studies, 1993 11 (4)223-229

1 comment:

  1. I once retrieved a glass slipper from a reservoir. What do I win?
